In this guide we will see how to add an iSCSI device into XenServer (version 6.5 and above). In this guide we will use iSCSI device mapped into a FreeNAS box. You can see here how to create iSCSI device
XenServer :: Connecting iSCSI SR
In this guide we will see how to add an iSCSI device into XenServer (version 6.5 and above). You can see here how to create iSCSI device using FreeNAS. Note: Server’s IQN is shown in the general tab (server, not
FreeNAS :: Creating ISCSI Storage
Note: This guide was written using FreeNAS 11.2 In this guide we will explain how to configure iSCSI device mapping using FreeNAS. This could be very usefull for backups when using XenServer (as SR operation with NFS are very limited
Jetbackup :: Better safe then sorry
JetBackup version 4+ introduced a fancy new filtering system. You can filter your backup job to do almost anything letting you squeeze the most out of your backup job. While having so many filter options can be powerful, sometimes you
JetBackup Cheat Sheet :: Automatically Acknowledge Alerts
JetBackup version 4+ introduced a fancy new alerts system in which you can easily get an overview of your notifications in one central place. There are 3 types of alerts : Information, Warning & Critical . You can also get
cPanel – Preventing users from downloading / restoring accounts
As hosting providers, you sometimes have to deal with huge account backups (over 100GB per account for example). JetBackup will make your life easier backing up these huge accounts, however restoring them is not always something we want to do.
cPanel Backup – Mount / Unmount local backup destination
It is very common for cPanel administrators to backup their data to a mountable folder. It could be either an NFS mount, or any other iSCSI / XFS / EXT mount – as long as it’s an external disk. To
Allow a cPanel server to run a VHOST from multiple IP addresses
Every once in a while a hosting provider has to change an IP address for a single user or even an entire server on the fly. If you’ll try do this the usual way, by changing the IP address in
Restoring your XEN VM From the dead
Managing your XEN VMs using Reduxio storage gives you the power of Backdating – BackDating operates like a built-in time machine, instantly recover your applications from any data loss event – be it software failure or cyber attacks, simply by
How To Install & Configure a Galera Cluster with MariaDB on Centos 7
Introduction MariaDB is one of the most popular open-source databases. It’s made by the original developers of MySQL and considered as “drop-in” replacement. In some parts of this guide, we will refer to MariaDB services/naming as ‘mysql’ Clustering contributes high availability